August Updates

Posted by Lee on 8/24/2020 to News
Once again I hope everyone is doing well. I just have a few updates. For a while it looked like USPS delivery was improving but unfortunately that does not seem to have lasted long. The new Postmaster General has really screwed things up. As a result some shipments, both inventory that I am waiting for and boxes that I have shipped are taking longer then expected to arrive. We have been having nearly daily phone calls/emails to the post office trying to resolve these issues.  If you place your order on line you will receive an email from with your tracking info so you can see where your shipment is. 

The downside is that most, if not all shows have been cancelled for the fall.  As of right now the following shows have been cancelled: New Haven Reunion, Great Scale Model Train Show- Timonium, MD, Railroad Artifact Show- Gaithersburg, MD, Great Train Extravaganza - Albany, NY.   As of right now the Amherst Railroad Show in Springfield, MA is still on.