Anthony Clegg 100 pages softcover
During the pre-World War 1 railway building boom, the Canadian Northern Railway set out to provide travelers with competition to the Canadian Pacific and Grand Trunk Railways. Since those competitors had already established entries to Montreal from the east, west and south, the Canadian Northern decided to enter downtown from the North, even though a four mile tunnel through Mount Royal would required. This book describes the construction of the huge Central Station complex, site of massive development in Montreal. Just like a subway, clean running electric locomotives hauled trainloads of commuters to the town of Mount Royal and other suburbs to the Northwest. Learn how the tunnel was constructed and equipped for electric trains, how the post-World War 1 era caused the government take over of the railroad led to the formation of the Canadian National, how increasing traffic led to new multiple unit self propelled cars, the end of intercity passenger traffic and the conversion of the line to a commuter service and the AMT take over of the line and it's reconstruction and modernization. 120 photos and equipment diagrams.