William Luke and Linda Metler 158 pages softcover
Over 300 photos combine with insightful captions to present a complete
history of the intercity, charter, tour and sightseeing bus industry
throughout the 20th Century. Each of the 11 chapters provides an
overview, from the early 1900s when the first short-distance buses were
enlarged automobiles or homemade bodies on truck chassis with open or
canvas tops, through the development of today's long-distance,
air-conditioned, styled buses that are handicap accessible. High-quality
photos illustrate a vast array of bus manufacturers and bus models. All
the important names including ACF-Brill, Aerocoach, CCF-Brill, C.D.
Beck, Eagle, Fageol, Flexible, Fitzjohn, Gar Wood, General Motors,
Greyhound, Kenworth, Mack, Motor Coach Industries, Prevost, Reo,
Trailways, Western Flyer, White, Yellow Coach, and many more are
featured in over 300 historic photographs, most of which have never been
published before.