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Part Number:109580

New Book
Peter Brill 256 pages hardcover

The book covers the history and operations of the five railroads that met at Maybrook; L&NE, L&HR, O&W, Erie/EL and NYNH&H. There is an emphasis on how the four "western" roads competed with each other and cooperated with their western connections, particularly the O&W and the L&HR with the LV and DL&W. The book looks at the history of the Poughkeepsie Bridge Route under the CNE&W, PR&NE and CNE and the Maybrook Line under the New Haven which implemented a massive capital project to enlarge Maybrook Yard, rebuild the Poughkeepsie Bridge, basically build a new double-track main line between Maybrook and Devon Jct. and build a new Cedar Hill Yard. The Maybrook court case and the battle to force CNJ and connections to route their freight through Maybrook versus the New York Harbor floats is another topic. Development of motive power on the five roads is also covered. This book should appeal to the followers of a number of northeast roads.